Event Review: AfreeNation Vol.12

Rarely have I attended an event and smiled all through. I attend events to watch everything that the organisers do incorrectly in my capacity as (top dog) CEO and managing director at the Haters headquarters. You see, someone has to do it, nothing personal. But this time, things were different; I will tell you why i believe the team was well prepared for it. Angelic performances from the guest act Aneya, the lovely Iyanah, Steph Kapela and Kathonzweni's very own Kamba boy, Mbithi.

Perfomances By:



Steph Kapela


For starters, AfreeNation is an artistic showcase powered by very amazing people. Being ignorant of the full team that organises the events, I will give a shoutout to Being Nik, DJ Kimmz, and MC Jemedari, the curator and MC for the night. That was some damn good work. I say this begrudgingly because Jemedari hated my last article, but his opinion on my work is something that I don’t give a single sh*t about. Anyway…On matters of numbers, the show didn’t match up to my expectations since we had established artists like Kapela and Mbithi, who, in my dishonest opinion, would have pulled off a bigger crowd. We were a little shy of having a hundred guys present, but I guess that’s what made the show more intimate.


The AfreeNation concert was held at the Alchemist, Parklands Road, one of the best venues for live performances in Nairobi.You see, Westlands is somewhat exclusive; not everyone can get to Westlands for a night out, particularly Alchemist, owing to the fact that they have been highlighted for racism.This is not an experience I have lived through, but apparently it happens to other revellers (allegedly).Note the multiple uses of allegedly because, let me let you into a secret, dear reader, they don’t pay me enough to afford a lawyer. This is the reason my friends and I left the venue to go and drown a few kwenjes at Molly’s; the vibe is so energy-driving that you enjoy yourself more than at the actual event, because of the drama, of course.As I have been recording writing before, I like drama as long as it’s not in my life.


Y’all gotta thank me because I am about to give you secret number two. I attended this show because my friends were performing. Aneya and Iyanah are artists that I have had a chance to interact with outside the music context. Five years ago in university, If you told me Iyanah would be a big R&B star, I would have shot you. Queit, composed, and calm, Iyanah has every aspect covered to be a star. I don’t need to wax lyrical about Iyanah or Aneya; their music will come to your ears.

Aneya was the guest act for the night; hers was the first act and boy ooh boy, that girl can sing.This opinion is not based on any kind of friendship we might be having, but she inarguably electrified the stage. To be honest, her performance was better than her songs on DSPs; this I totally blame on her producer, Ron. Do her justice, my guy. Aneya was dressed in an Ankara outfit that was captivating enough to embed her performance with the set. The colours, her raunchy dancing and the band synchronised so well that everything about her set was spectacular. She is going straight to the top; please buy the dip. Aneya is coming for your audience; she is her.Backed by a personal band, I would like to applaud Kubo, the hands behind the bass guitar, with respect.


Iyanah is a multidisciplinary artist; I have seen her performance before, but this particular set was special.You see, Iyanah has what a layman would call a fan club. Friends that support her in her ventures and show up at all her events—that’s not a bad thing at all. In retrospect, I think it gave her more power to manage her stage since in the audience she could see familiar faces, I know what you think, that i assume to be in her inner circle,problem is, I am not even talking of myself; I am 100% sure that she didnt even notice that I was there, but her friends, some of whom are my "moots,“ were present. Her kind of music and how she articulates her art hugged the Bands performance to produce something that is beyond my linguistic comprehension to relay. Have you ever heard someone sing and felt goosebumps?because I did. Iyanah is better than 90% of the “mainstream R&B“ artists that are being force-fed to us on Colours, but that’s a story for another day. Steph Kapela’s artistry is inarguably among the best pen games in Kenya right now. His capability to balance R&B and hip-hop is intermittent. His style of rap and music is unique,I rated his performance, but I don’t really have much to say about Steph Kapela.

Iyanah Kiragu

Now, onto to the short man of the night, the headliner, man like Mbithi.All through the night, he kept asking, “season ni ya nini?“ Apparently his fans knew the answer was “season ni ya maembe!“

I have a confession to make: before this night, I had never heard a single Mbithi single (pun very intended).I know Mbithi, the kamba rapper,I am familiar with his game, but I have never really interacted with his craft intimately. I thank Charles Darwin that I attended this event because, for sure, I experienced his artistry in full awe. I was flabbergasted. If you attended the event, if you remember some dude with a Balaclava standing at the edge of the stage looking surprised as hell, that was me. When Mbithi brought out her charisma, the girls went crazy! For mbithi and Charisma to be on a banger track, and for him to head straight to Mwiki and pick the brains of the best femcee in Kenya right now (Femi One) to make another banger, he is a versatile genius.The highlight of his set was Kimbassax, the main man behind the saxophone. Man, what a genius! As a jazz composer myself,i felt goosebumps every time he hit those high notes.

Afreenation Volume 12 was arguably a success. It is a very noble gesture to give upcoming artists an environment to learn and nurture their talents with discipline and mentorship from bigger artists.Respect.

Saint Bervon

Bervon Micheni is a multidiscplinary creative artist,but here, I write. Welcome to my musings as I try to potray the way I see the world in my eyes. I major my Interests in the Entertainment industry,in Art.


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